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Women Speaking


How the Alexander Technique Can Enhance Mind-Body Disciplines

Using the Alexander Technique to Enhance your Mind-Body Practice: the Five Relations

• A First Alexander Technique Lesson with Sandra Bain Cushman


• What is the Alexander Technique? – Teenage Version:

• Twenty-minute recording for drivers, computer users and other humans:

• Alexander Technique Directions in Morning Sitting:

• Excerpt: Mind Body 40 Days
Book reading by Sandra at the 2011 AGM of the American Society for the Alexander Technique in Las Vegas:

Mind Body 40 Days

Mind Body 40 Days

Forty daily readings for those who are beginning mind-body practices and for those who are beginning again. The central aim of Mind Body 40 Days is to provide a fresh and lasting understanding of mind-body practice. Because of where and when it is being written, you may find principles of this…

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